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Knowledge Base (19)

  1. Answer: Environment: Configuration Settings Oracle B2C Service, All versions including Browser User Interface (BUI) Resolution: The SEC_VALID_ADMIN_HOSTS  setting defines which hosts are allowed to...
  2. Answer: Environment: PCI pods (Includes US Federal Government pods) Resolution: Oracle and its B2C Service customers have shared responsibility in ensuring their Oracle B2C Service implementation meets the...
  3. Answer: Environment: Workstation, Oracle B2C Service all versions Resolution: The Workstation and Network Data Collector is a .bat utility that can be run on a workstation to collect pertinent...
  4. Answer: Environment: PCI pods (Includes US Federal Government pods) Resolution: Below are just a few considerations for implementing an Oracle B2C Service site within a PCI pod.  See the Guidance...
  5. Answer: Environment: Answer Preview Oracle B2C Service Resolution: This message will occur when your site is hosted on the PC pod and Enduser SSL has not been enabled. All sites in the PC Pod must be HTTPS...
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Documentation (-217)

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